Ofsted Report 2023

We are delighted to be able to share with you the Ofsted report for Verwood Church of England First School and Nursery, following the inspection on the 26 and 27 September 2023, which has been judged to be Good.
The report highlights the strength of relationships between the staff, pupils and families. Pupils are safe and learn well. Pupils learn how to be good citizens and understand that people are different. The report states ‘They say that everyone is unique and treated equally. Pupils live out this belief in this inclusive school.’
The wonderful start that our youngest children receive in Nursery was recognised as well as the smooth transition into Reception. The report recognises the hard work over the past few years to ensure we are delivering an ambitious curriculum with a sharp focus on reading.
Please see attached letter from Mrs Anstey and to read the full report please click here.